The Liturgical Assembly in its Spaces

2025 Congress – Paris

28 July to 1 August 2025

The 2025 Congress of the Societas Liturgica will be held in Paris, in the wake of the reopening of Notre Dame Cathedral after five years of work following the fire on April 15, 2019. Notre Dame de Paris, in the complexity of its architectural, liturgical and political history, enables a focus for the questions we wish to address in this Congress, at the fertile crossroads between the theology of liturgy and the planning of celebration space; in connection with the various underlying liturgical, ecclesiological, political and social representations.

Problématique du Congrès / Congress statement / Konferenzerklärung

The Congress statement and key themes are set out here :-

Problématique du Congrès (FR)

Congress Statement (EN)

Konferenzerklärung (DE)

Keynote Lectures for the 2025 Congress

Presidential Address : Gilles Drouin

Espace, assemblée, communauté et cultures
Raum, Versammlung, Gemeinschaft und Kulturen
Space, assembly, community and culture

Jean-Marie Duthilleul, architecte/Architekt/architect (Paris, Fr)
Olivier-Marie Sarr, osb, abbé de Keur-Moussa (Sénégal), professeur de liturgie à saint Anselme (Rome)/ Professor für Liturgie an St. Anselm (Rome)/professor of liturgy at Saint Anselmo (Rome)

Accueil, inclusion, exclusion dans l’espace et l’assemblée liturgiques
Aufnahme, Inklusion, Ausschluss im liturgischen Raum und in der liturgischen Versammlung
Welcome, inclusion, exclusion in liturgical space and assembly

Nina Glibetic, Théologienne de la liturgie/ Theologin der Liturgie/Liturgical Theologian (Université Yale USA)
Luiz Carlos Texeira Coelho, Urbaniste, Théologien de la Liturgie/Theologe der Liturgie/Liturgical Theologian (Rio de Janeiro, Brésil)

Sacré et profane: espaces en recomposition
Sakral und profan: Räume in Neuzusammensetzung
Sacred and profane: spaces in reconfiguration

Jeanne Halgren Kilde, théologienne de la liturgie/Theologin der Liturgie/Liturgical Theologian (Université de Minnesota USA)
Albert Gerhards, théologien de la liturgie/Theologe der Liturgie/Liturgical Theologian (Bonn, D)

The Call for Papers is available to download here:

Appel à contributions (FR)

Call for Papers (EN)

Kurzvortrage (DE)

The form for submissions is available here:

Envoi des propositions de contributions
Paper submissions
Einreichen des Vorschlags

An early draft of the congress schedule has been prepared.
28th Registration will take place during the day and the congress will begin in the late afternoon
29th Papers will take place throughout the day
30th Papers will take place throughout the day and the Business Meeting will be in the afternoon
31st Papers will take place throughout the day and the Congress Eucharist and Banquet will end the day
1st August – there will be an opportunity for tour visits before departure











Prière du matin

St Ignace, tradition catholique romaine

Prière du matin Temple du

Luxembourg, tradition protestante

Prière du matin

St Ignace, tradition catholique romaine

10h | Short papers 1 Short papers 5 Major conference 5-6 Départ Visite 1[1]
11h | Pause Pause Pause
12h | Short papers 2 Short papers 6 Short papers 7
12h30 | Déjeuner ICP Déjeuner ICP Déjeuner ICP
13h |



Pannel 1


Short papers 3

Business Meeting Short papers 8 Départ Visite 2[2]





Pannel 2


Short papers 4


Business Meeting Relecture théologique par doctorants/Young scholars theological meeting





Pause Départ pour st Eustache
17h Adresse présidentielle

Major conference 1-2

Major conference 3-4

Eucharistie du Congrès

St Eustache

18h30 Cocktail dinatoire d’ouverture Prière du soir, Auditorium Bernanos Prière du soir, tradition orthodoxe. Eglises des saintes Parascèves et Geneviève
19h30 Diner Soirée libre Banquet du Congrès (Collège des Bernardins)
20h Départ pour Notre Dame de Paris Soirée libre Banquet du Congrès (Collège des Bernardins)

Concert de musique baroque, Eglise universitaire

St Joseph des Carmes

Soirée libre Banquet du Congrès (Collège des Bernardins)
21h Liturgie d’accueil Notre-Dame de Paris Soirée libre

Banquet du Congrès (Collège des Bernardins)

[1] Circuit matin : Notre Dame ou saint Denis, circuit journée : Versailles (Château + chapelle des Diaconesses)

[2] Circuit après midi : Cathédrale russe/St François Molitor ou Temple de l’Oratoire/Eglise st Eustache

The 2025 Congress of Societas Liturgica is supported by the partnership of 5 catholic, orthodox and protestant faculties of theology of Paris



The presentation given at the Maynooth Congress is available to download here